Storage as a Service

Cloud storage on and off premise to fit your business

NEXION Keystone Storage as a Service

NEXION Networks provides a portfolio of storage-as-a-service offerings for hybrid cloud environments to deliver greater agility, financial flexibility, and reduced financial risk that helps you meet your business outcomes, and save on upfront cash.

Flexible Consumption for Financial and Operational Advantages

Many companies are moving storage budgets to flexible consumption models. IDC predicts that flexible models will grow by 13.7% in the next year, vs. under 1% for traditional capital expenditure (capex).

Why the shift? Think of “as-a-service” as a model to better align cost with usage, flexible and scalable, and help avoid overbuying and over-provisioning.

Advantages of flexible consumption:


NEXION Networks offers NetApp Keystone Subscription as a pay-as-you-grow subscription-based service that delivers a seamless hybrid cloud experience, for those preferring opex consumption models to upfront capex or leasing.

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NEXION Networks Flex Subscription benefits:

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NEXION Networks is a Leading Global Cloud, Security, Networking & Data Centre Company.

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